b' Staff should avoid entering residents rooms Align mats/beds so clients sleep head-to-toe. or living quarters unless its necessary. Staff In common spaces, be flexible as rules may should use virtual communications and check- change. Maintain six feet of physical distance ins (phone or video chat) as appropriate.between everyone who doesnt normally liveUse physical barriers to protect staff duringtogether. You may need to provide alternate interactions with guests of unknown infectionactivities, cancel activities, or close certain status (such as check-in staff). For example,areas. In small areas, like stairwells and eleva-install a sneeze guard at the check-in desk, ortors, consider having people go one at a time.place an additional table between staff andFor guests with mild respiratory symptoms guests to increase the distance between themconsistent with COVID-19:to at least six feet. Prioritize these guests for individual rooms.In meal service areas, create at least six feet of If individual rooms are not available, consider space between seats, and/or allow for eitherusing a large, well-ventilated room. food to be delivered to guests or for them to take food away. Keep mats/beds at least six feet apart.In general sleeping areas (for those who are not Use temporary barriers between mats/beds, experiencing respiratory symptoms), try tosuch as curtains. make sure guests faces are at least six feet apart. Align mats/beds so guests sleep head-to-toe.If possible, designate a separate bathroom for these guests.If areas where they can stay arent available in your facility, arrange for transfer to a quarantine site. Shared kitchens, dining rooms, laundry rooms, bathroomsAccess should be available, but restrict the number of people at one time so everyone Simultaneous infection would increase thecan stay at least six feet apart.People who are sick, their roommates, and risk significantly for those most vulnerablethose with a higher risk of severe illness from to ending up in an intensive care unit orCOVID-19 should eat or be fed in their rooms, if possible. needing a ventilator. Dont share dishes, drinking glasses, cups, or eating utensils. Non-disposable food service items should be handled with gloves and 26 WWW.CITYGATENETWORK.ORG SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2020'