b'Architecturethrough renovation or new constructionhas great potential to serve as the setting for an emotionally safe place where clients can take a breath and create a plan for change. Elements of Separate an individual from others who may traumainformed designbe in distress. R esearchers and those working in this areaThe strategies above can help move a support landed on some emerging goals of trauma- organizations services toward a wraparound client informed design, many of which echoexperience that leverages education, therapies, peer similar principles present in trauma-informed care:support, and built environment toward the goal ofReinforce the individuals sense of personalresolving peoples current crisis. Happily, trauma-identity and sense of ownership.informed design updates in a building are not always large nor expensive, but larger projects \x02 Provide an environment that is safe while also inviting.Promote opportunity for choice while balanc-ing program needs and the safety/comfort of the majority.Engage the individual actively in a dynamic, multisensory environment.Reduce/remove known adverse stimuli and triggers.Reduce/remove environmental stressors such as noise and crowding.Provide ways for the individual to exhibit self-reliance (ability to do things for himself or herself).Provide a means for privacy and confidentiality.Reinforce the sense of stable and consistent policy support for individuals that is worthy of their trust.Provide/promote connectedness to the natural world.Promote a sense of community and collabora-tion. JULY/AUGUST 2021 WWW.CITYGATENETWORK.ORG 43'