b'DAYTODAYACROSS THE STREETAdrienne GoodstalWeve Got You Wholistic care succeeds with strong community partnershipL ike the Trinity, to be healthy in mind, body,As is the case with numerous missions, we strive and spirit is the goal for determining serv- to be good partners in our community and to help ices and programs offered at our organi-offset overutilized resources, including the use of zation. For many years, the people whom ouremergency rooms for non-emergent needs. We also missions are called to serve have had limited accessrecognize that there are tangible access barriers to to health services. How- doctors and clinics, such as limited hours, noncen-ever, this has begun totral locations, and intake requirements. Over the change. More than 85years, such requirements have contributed to the percent of the guests wesubstitution of emergency departments for primary serve now have somecare providers.form of insurance. After closing its federally qualified health center Its been great to seetwo years agowhich primarily served the home-the shift over time inless communityone of the largest healthcare how missions are work- systems in our community approached us with a ing to address the wholedesire to collaborate in opening a free clinic on-site person. As we look at allat the mission. Shortly after, the two other local, social determinants oflarge health systems and two universities joined health, I believe missions are uniquely positionedthis unique partnership. Even in the midst of the to address not only a persons housing and foodpandemic, all parties were committed to seeing the insecurity, but also his or her overall health andclinic come to fruition.well-being. Jesus had compassion on the peopleAs a result, in July of last year, we opened the He met, and this led Him to teach them. But wasCommunity Partners Medical Clinic. Each hospital their knowledge and spirituality all that Jesus wasplaces one or two providers on-site weekly on a concerned with?designated day, and the universities medical resi-Mark 6:34 says, When Jesus landed and saw adents are on-site as part of their rotations as well. Adrienne serves as vice presidentlarge crowd, he had compassion on them becauseTo see organizations that often compete come of community engagement andthey were like sheep without a shepherd. So hetogether, with the shared goal of ensuring that our advocacy for Mel Trotter Min began teaching them many things. Just a few versescommunities most vulnerable populations have istries in Grand Rapids, Michigan.later, were told that Jesus fed this crowd of overaccess to the health care they deserve, is a wonder-Because of her position, the ministry has opportunities to engage5,000 people. He was not just concerned with theseful testament to the kind of impact that occurs with key local decision makerspeople knowing the truth; rather, Jesus truly caredthrough intentional partnerships.and bring awareness on issuesfor them and sought to meet whatever needs HeIt is truly through multichannel collaboration surrounding homelessness. In addition, she leads the clinics,couldwholistically. Many times over, Jesus metwith the greater good in mind that long-term outreach efforts, and housingthe physical needs of a person because he cared forchange is possible, and broken systems can be fixed program. Contact her at adriennethe whole person, not just his or her soul.to best serve those in need. \x03goodstal@meltrotter.org.52 WWW.CITYGATENETWORK.ORG JULY/AUGUST 2021'