Liberty District Conference

September 25 - 27, 2023
Canadensis, Pennsylvania
Spruce Lake Retreat Center


You don't want your team to miss the Liberty District Conference offering an all-inclusive getaway at Spruce Lake in Pennsylvania. Designed to enrich and connect staff from over 40 missions and ministries throughout the district, this event offers a wonderful opportunity to rest, rejuvenate, and retreat into the mountains as we reconnect with God, each other, and others doing the same important work.

Programming includes speakers and seminars, several resource tables, five meals together (dinner Monday through breakfast Wednesday) as well as plenty of opportunities to make new friends and deepen relationships.

Please note that September 12 is the last day to register for this event!


Sacred Rest: His Presence, Our Firm Foundation

Exodus 33:14

Keynote Speakers

Bethann Miller  

Bethann Miller, Co-Founder and CEO
Safe Place

Bethann has worked in various positions in the nonprofit sector for over 25 years. She "cut her teeth" serving in a full-time urban mission on the Lower East Side of New York City among homeless, addicted, and  marginalized populations of the inner city. She then went on to serve in Central America and Africa after completing a training program for missionaries. She is a board-certified biblical counselor and a licensed chaplain who holds certificates in grief stress, trauma care, and elder care.


Dr. Mark Cote, Director
Safe Place

Mark holds Doctor of Ministry and Master of Divinity degrees from Regent University, VA.  His doctoral research centered on missional family wholeness, characteristics, mobilization; and his graduate coursework emphasized leadership renewal, life coaching, biblical studies, and practical theology. His professional experience spans local and international leadership, teaching, capacity building, governance, development, and ministry and missions work in church, school, and community organizational settings.  Mike has been ordained as a pastor both at the local church and denominational level.  

Lodging: Spruce Lake Retreat Center

Located on 888 acres in the Poconos, this conference location provides eight miles of woodlands, waterfalls, and mountain streams. Enjoy a game of pickleball, basketball, volleyball, or disc golf; or hang out in the game room. The Spruce Lake Retreat Center offers it all.

The registration fee includes two-nights of lodging, all programming and meals. A single room is $349; a double is $260 per person, and a triple is $235 per person. If you are local and do not need lodging, the fee is $149 for programming and meals only.


Sacred Rest: His Presence, Our Firm Foundation

Monday, September 25

 3:00 p.m.   

 Arrival and Registration

 5:00 p.m  


6:00 p.m.   


6:15 p.m.   

 Opening Session

 7:45 p.m.  

 Affinity Groups

 9:45 p.m.  

 Campfire: Snack and Networking

 Tuesday, September 26    

7:15 a.m. 

   Public Scripture Reading

8:00 a.m.



8:45 a.m.



9:00 a.m.


 Guided Time with God

10:00 a.m.

   Sponsor Break
10:20 a.m.    General Session: Two Tracks

12:00 p.m.



1:00 p.m.


 Breakout Sessions

2:00 p.m.


 Break and Activities

4:00 p.m.


 Affinity Groups

5:00 p.m.



6:00 p.m.


 Citygate Network Representative Presentation

6:30 p.m.


 General Session and Worship

8:45 p.m.


 Campfire: Snack and Emerging Leaders Networking

Wednesday, September 27


7:15 a.m.


 Public Scripture Reading

8:00 a.m.  


8:45 a.m.  

 Guided Time with God

10:20 a.m.  

 Closing Session and Worship

11:40 a.m.  




For Citygate Network business members, there are three levels of sponsorships available at the conference, and sponsor sign-up is located at the bottom of this page. Please note that sponsors must be in membership with Citygate Network, and a sponsorship or display table purchase is required in order to attend. To participate in the conference sessions and/or meals, you will also need to register as an attendee. If you have additional questions, please email Sam Edwards.

$700–Primary Sponsor  SOLD

  • Address attendees during one of the general sessions
  • Handouts during the speaking opportunity
  • Display table during conference

$400–Break Sponsor 

  • Handout during break
  • Display table during conference

$250–Table Sponsor     SOLD

  • Display table during conference

Cancellation Policy

If you need to cancel your registration, you may do so with no penalty until two weeks before the event. Cancellations requested less than two weeks before the event are non-refundable.