P.O. Box 152
Sun Prairie, Wisconsin 53590
Phone: (608) 478-4465
Website: https://sftsm.org
Email: info@sftsm.org
Community Wellness Checks, Day Room for Guests, Onsite Meals for Guests, Food Pantry for the Public, Community Food Distribution, Clothing Store/Distribution
HousingTransitional Housing for Women, Housing Placement Services, Rent Assistance
Residential Life-Transformation Programs Spiritual NurtureDiscipleship Classes, Biblical Counseling
OversightCase Management, Personal Mentoring
Children and YouthBible Clubs, Recreational Programs (without youth center), Day Camp
Health Services EducationGED Classes, ESL Classes, Tutoring, Life-Skills Training, Domestic (e.g., cooking) Skills Training
Career Advancement/EmploymentCareer Counseling, Specific Career Training, Job Readiness Programs, Job Placement
Other Programs and ServicesImmigrant Integration
We are a nonprofit organization in Sun Prairie dedicated to serving the needs of homless children and their mothers in Dane County.
Transitional Housing for Women and children. Critical care services are via our local partner.