701 Colorado Ave.
Chickasha, Oklahoma 73018
Phone: (405) 825-3527
Website: http://lsireshouse.org
Email: thereshouse@yahoo.com
Community Wellness Checks, Onsite Meals for Guests, Emergency Shelter for Men, Emergency Shelter for Women, Food Pantry for the Public, Community Food Distribution
HousingTransitional Housing for Men, Transitional Housing for Women, Transitional Housing for Families, Housing Placement Services
Residential Life-Transformation Programs Spiritual NurtureChapel Services, Table Chaplains, Discipleship Classes
OversightCase Management, Personal Mentoring
Children and Youth Health Services EducationLife-Skills Training, Domestic (e.g., cooking) Skills Training
Career Advancement/EmploymentCareer Counseling, Job Placement
Other Programs and ServicesEx-Offender Reentry Program, Community Garden/Food Production