15495W County Rd. B
Hayward, United States 54843
Phone: (715) 558-8558
Website: https://www.facebook.com/groups/437833769902352/
Email: bixbyb236@gmail.com
Onsite Meals for Guests, Emergency Shelter for Women, Emergency Shelter for Women with Children, Food Pantry for the Public, Clothing Store/Distribution
HousingTransitional Housing for Women
Residential Life-Transformation ProgramsAbuse (e.g., physical, sexual) Recovery, Anger Management Ministry
Spiritual NurtureChapel Services, Biblical Counseling
OversightCase Management, Personal Mentoring
Children and Youth Health Services EducationGED Classes, Literacy Classes, Tutoring, Life-Skills Training, Domestic (e.g., cooking) Skills Training
Career Advancement/EmploymentSpecific Career Training, Job Readiness Programs, Job Placement
Other Programs and ServicesJail and Prison Ministry, Thrift Store(s)