Louisville, Kentucky 40203-2350
Phone: (502) 584-6543
Website: http://recenterministries.org
Volunteer: https://recenterministries.org/donate-time
Donate: https://recenterministries.org/donate-money
Email: alexa@recenterministries.org
Founded in 1881, Re:Center Ministries (formerly known as Louisville Rescue Mission) reconciles homeless and hurting people to God, family, and community by the power of Christ in partnership with the local church. Re:Center's programs offer hope for a better life through campuses in both Louisville and Southern Indiana. Programs span a continuum of care - from prevention to relief to recovery - and provide holistic, high-impact answers to the problem of homelessness in our communities.
Onsite Meals for Guests, Emergency Shelter for Men, Emergency Shelter for Women, Emergency Shelter for Women with Children, Emergency Shelter for Intact Families
HousingTransitional Housing for Men
Residential Life-Transformation ProgramsLong-Term Drug/Alcohol Recovery for Men
Spiritual NurtureChapel Services, Discipleship Classes, Biblical Counseling
OversightCase Management
Children and Youth Health Services EducationGED Classes, Literacy Classes, Tutoring, Life-Skills Training, Domestic (e.g., cooking) Skills Training
Career Advancement/EmploymentSpecific Career Training, Job Readiness Programs
Other Programs and ServicesJail and Prison Ministry, Thrift Store(s), Business(es) Owned for Job Training