575 N 39 W Ave
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74127
Phone: (918) 587-1186
Website: http://www.john316mission.org
Volunteer: https://www.john316mission.org/Volunteer
Donate: https://donate.john316mission.org/for/homfor/info/header
Day Room for Guests, Onsite Meals for Guests, Emergency Shelter for Men, Food Pantry for the Public, Community Food Distribution, Clothing Store/Distribution, Furniture Bank
Housing Residential Life-Transformation ProgramsLong-Term Drug/Alcohol Recovery for Men, Long-Term Drug/Alcohol Recovery for Women, Anger Management Ministry
Spiritual NurtureChapel Services
OversightCase Management
Children and YouthStreet Kids/Gang-Member Programs, Youth Activity Center, School, Bible Clubs, Recreational Programs (without youth center), Day Camp
Health Services EducationGED Classes, Tutoring, Life-Skills Training
Career Advancement/EmploymentJob Readiness Programs, Job Placement
Other Programs and ServicesBusiness(es) Owned for Job Training, Community/Neighborhood Outreach Program (beyond your facilities)