777 Commercial St NE
Salem, OR - Oregon 97301
Phone: (503) 967-6388
Website: http://www.ugmsalem.org
Volunteer: https://ugmsalem.org/get-involved/volunteer/
Donate: https://ugmsalem.org/donate/
Email: shanson@ugmsalem.org
Restoring Hope . . . Restoring Lives
Day Room for Guests, Onsite Meals for Guests, Emergency Shelter for Men, Emergency Shelter for Women, Emergency Shelter for Women with Children, Furniture Bank
HousingTransitional Housing for Men, Transitional Housing for Women, Transitional Housing for Families, Special Needs Housing
Residential Life-Transformation ProgramsLong-Term Drug/Alcohol Recovery for Men, Long-Term Drug/Alcohol Recovery for Women, Sex Addiction Deliverance, Anger Management Ministry
Spiritual NurtureChapel Services
OversightCase Management
Children and Youth Health Services EducationGED Classes, Literacy Classes, Tutoring, Computer Training, Life-Skills Training, Domestic (e.g., cooking) Skills Training
Career Advancement/EmploymentSpecific Career Training, Job Readiness Programs, Job Placement
Other Programs and ServicesJail and Prison Ministry, SOGI Ministry/Assistance, Thrift Store(s), Community/Neighborhood Outreach Program (beyond your facilities)