HHS Arm Introduces a New Toolkit to Help Facilitate Youth Connectedness

According to the U.S. Surgeon General’s Youth Mental Health Advisory, mental health challenges rank as the leading cause of disability and poor life outcomes in young people. One of the best ways for faith and community leaders to help is by leveraging the power of connectedness through community as a powerful way to prevent and address mental health challenges.

Faith and community leaders have an important opportunity to help youth feel connected to their community, as well as to their families and schools. Specifically, connectedness can reduce the risk of suicide and emotional disorders for youth.

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships has created a toolkit to provide information, resources, and strategies to help increase awareness about youth mental health, foster connection for youth, and support the actions that families, and faith and community organizations can take to promote youth mental health and strengthen resilience.

Creating Safe and Supportive Environments

Faith and community leaders can create safe and supportive environments for youth by:

Ideas for Activities and Programs

The HHS toolkit includes a variety of ideas for activities and programs that can promote connectedness and mental wellness among young people. Some of these include:
Download the HHS Toolkit Now

What are some signs that a young person may be struggling with mental health challenges?

Some signs that a young person may be struggling with mental health challenges include:

It's important to note that not all young people who are experiencing mental health challenges will exhibit these signs, and some may exhibit different signs. If you're concerned about a young person, it's important to seek help from a mental health professional.

What can faith and community leaders do to promote youth mental health?

Faith and community leaders can promote youth mental health by:

How can faith and community leaders use the HHS toolkit to promote youth mental health?

Faith and community leaders can use the HHS toolkit to promote youth mental health by:

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