b'COVER FOCUS: Historic HandoffsThe Heritage Room History in the makingFor the past three years, John Ashmen and the Citygate Network staff have transformed four separate suites in the lower level of their 9,245squarefoot office building into an open conference room and history museum for Citygate Network. Some of the books, documents, and photos date back to the mid19th century.If you happen to be in Colorado Springs, its well worth the time to stop by for a tour. There are history panels, unique artifacts, and original artwork, some painted directly on the walls.The timeline starts in the 1820s with the Glasgow City Mission in Scotland, believed by most historians to be the first city mission anywhere in the world. It moves forward through the decades, picking out highlights of the association over its four names: National Federation of Gospel Missions, International Union of Gospel Missions, Association of Gospel Rescue Missions, and Citygate Network.New panels are being created to show whats been happening in the 2020s, but the historic data that is already on the walls in eight existing panels show visitors the magnitude of this ministry genre, and what has been accomplished down through the years.In this issue of Instigate, you have been brought up to date with our leadership history, with John Ashmen handing off to Tom De Vries. But in this article sidebar, we are giving you a look at the early history of our association. What follows is whats presented in four of the eight wall panels at the Citygate Network office. Each of these blurbs has a photo to go with it, but space doesnt permit them to be shown here. Youll have to visit and see it in person, or watch for video tour of the museum, set to come out this fall. 20 WWW.CITYGATENETWORK.ORG JULY/AUGUST 2023'