b'A Assssoocciiaatitoion nH iHstiosrtyory1963 IUGM convention attendees50th Anniversarysecretary in 1957. Ernie served five years, maintaining the office inBridgeport, Connecticut, and Winona Lake, Indiana. His wife served as his office manager. Upon his resignation in 1962, Rev. Clifton E. Gregory, a former IUGM president, served on an interim basis while continuing to direct The City Mission in Cleveland, Ohio.Rev. James B. Moellendick became executive secretary in the mid-1960s.He established a temporary office in Parkersburg, West Virginia. Mrs.Moellendick became the office manager. In 1966, James directed the moveof the IUGM headquarters to Kansas City, Missouri, where City UnionMission provided office space. He resigned after five years of faithfulservice and great progress.EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENTA Different Clientele with Different NeedsI n the 1960s, there began a movement to do away withmental asylums in favor of more humane and lessexpensive community-based treatment programs.Aided by the introduction of new and improvedpsychotropic drugs, the plan was touted to be themodern solution for treating those with mental disordersand developmental disabilities. While bringing an end to asylum mayhem was a decent thing to do, thisalternative plan didnt work as well as predicted; far toomany people fell through the cracks and ended up onthe streets. As a result, rescue missions had to expandtheir services to include the teaching of basic life skills.In line at Bakersfield Rescue Mission (Bakersfield), circa 19699'