b'The History We Celebrate continuedNotesAn Association with Deep Roots continuedBolstering the AssociationThe King will A fter World War II, the IUGM executive committee tried to strengthenreply, Truly I tell the effectiveness of the association through the appointment of a part-time field secretary. Peter Quartel of Dayton, Ohio, was theyou, whatever first. Quartels efforts bore fruit, but for varying reasons, he was forced toyou did for one of discontinue his services. Others who undertook the responsibility were I. L.Eldridge, J. Arthur Schlicter, E. R. MacKinney, and Harry H. Hadley. In 1948,the least of these Rev. Chauncey Beeman was hired as a full-time field secretary and servedbrothers and one year. All of the field secretaries raised their own support to do the job.sisters of mine, In the mid 1950s, the executive committee was empowered to select aperson to serve with the elevated title of executive secretary. This personyou did for me. would be asked to maintain an office, help with communications, promoterescue missions, and generally serve the president. Rev. Ernest Tippett,Matthew 25:40 who had served as treasurer of the IUGM, became the first executivean Association (Interestingly, the Salvation ArmyThe Need forEngland in the late 1870s.and conversion early on. spreading across North limited itself to gospel preachingdepots in the UnitedT he missions that werejust like churches, differed It did not open any food and lodging1891, after studyingAmerica in the late 1800s,Churches States untilseveral gospelconsiderably in form and doctrine.the operations of missions.) But this associationrecognized this and endorsedwell since itthe missions they felt had the did not functionby this timeand represented what correct methodologybecome two strong, well-theology.had was the problem of the organized movements. Then thereand fad- In 1913 the inevitable occurred:numerous extremist-runThe National Federation ofdriven missionsself-appointed was trans-that no church would Gospel Missions varietiesof their strange muted into the Internationalembrace becauseoperations, Union of Gospel Missionsdogma, underhandedpoor sans the Salvationto swindle the(IUGM), or attemptswho the National Army. Some saw this as largelyand the honest peopleDistrict gathering ofsince thegathered around to help them. Federation of Gospel Missions, 1909 a name changethe same. ItsSuch operations did great damage officers remainedwasto the reputationwasWhittemore of gospel Christ.presidentSidney Whittemore. EmmaWray, the directormissions and the cause ofunionvice president. Other officers were SarahGeorge H.felt that aAvenue Mission, and church and mission leaders alikeaccountability toof New Yorks Eighththe Christian Herald.Manywas needed to bringSandison, an editor of of gospel missionsin 1906, the National calledAround thisquasi-association genus of ministry. Sothe offices of same time, anotherRapids,this growingGospel Missionsfounded inHerald was formed in Grand Federation ofwas(The Christianthe Western Brotherhoodof the CityHerald in New York City.to provide Trotter, then superintendentwasthe ChristianIts purpose wasMichigan. MelTrotter Ministries), operated The Bowery Mission.)cooperation between Mission in Grand Rapids (now Melmissions and a group ofoversight and foster fellowship andpresident. It included about fortywas folded into thegospel mission leaders.itsThe Western Brotherhood the ministers. Federation of Gospel Missions includedfrom IUGM in 1923.The Nationalto the United States Salvation Army, which had spread 8'