b'A Assssoocciiaatitoion nH iHstiosrtyoryHis glory, and, although broken-hearted at thetime, dear Mrs. Whittemore very nobly took upthe work which was so dear to her husbandsheart, and filled his unexpired term** until therst annual business meeting in May 1914, whenshe was unanimously elected to fill that office.A personal reference to the founder of thisorganization seems a most fitting thing in thisreport. It is quite an unusual thing for a wealthy,refined gentleman like Mr. Whittemore to give somuch time in the interests of rescue missions, andyet this fact is easily explained when we learn that it was in such a mission he was led to renew hiscovenant with God. It was during the early days ofthe McAuley Water Street Mission that Mr. and Mrs. Emma WhittemoreWhittemore made their way down to the little olddance hall that had been converted into a mission.They had both been members of a church since childhood, and thoughtthey were all right, and it was with the intention of helping Jerry McAuleythat they went down there. They were not in the meeting long, however,before Jerry made it very clear to them that they were what he termedkid-glove Christians and that they needed another dip. Before themeeting closed he had them on their knees at the penitent form, repeatingthe same prayer the poordrunkard repeated at theirside, God be merciful tome, a sinner, and thenJerry added: Put in,For Jesus sake. Jerry could not see intothe future, nor did Mr.and Mrs. Whittemorerealize that night whatthat step would meanto them, but eternityalone will reveal whatgreat things God hathwrought through these**Other records show thatthe IUGM Vice President JohnHallimond officially steppedin as president upon SidneyWhittemores death. Halli-mond served until May 1915,and at that years annualmeeting, Emma Whittemore Gospel Wagon of Union Rescue Mission (Los Angeles), circa 1907was elected president. Sheserved until 1918.3'