b'Justin is vice president of Citygate Network, overseeing the programs, products, services, and education that member ministries turn to for support. In the 16 years prior to joining the network, Justin served as a missionary journalist, communications and marketing director of Christian Camp and Conference Association, marketing consultant, and executive director for several other organizations. Contact him at jboles@citygatenetwork.org.a place of healthy uncertainty, where theres open- spend time with the participants, listening to their ness and more willingness to ask for and acceptstories, feeling their pain, and churning that emo-help. Outdoor experiences create the environmenttion into verse. It usually turns out that many of for that to happen.the musicians share similar life experiences with the guests. Then, just a few hours after interview-Placeing their assigned man or womanand with T he power of place is another philosophicaltheir permissionan original song written by thread running through the retreats. Thecritically acclaimed artists with chart-topping idea is that, in a place not far removedwork will debut before a gallery of guests, includ-from Gods original good creation, one not yeting their peers, special guests, and the inspirations adulterated by mans ideas of comfort and conven- for those tunes. ience, its easier to connect lessons learnedIts done in a way that honors the work the par-through the beautiful imagery and quirky experi- ticipants have put in through many long months in ences because theyre not readily repeatable or recovery, and its cathartic. As one program partici-Singersongwriters spend time with the participants, listening to their stories, feeling their pain, and churning that emotion into verse. It usually turns out that many of the musicians share similar life experiences with the guests. easily confused with other memories. In this way,pant summed up his experience at a recent Hope emotions and thoughts become indelibly etchedin the Gate retreat, This place, these people, the into the memory, serving as standing stones toanimals, the garden, the things we did, the songsmark significant events. The science of neuro- they will be my strength, and I will never forget it. plasticity tells us that our brains continue to createNot every member organization will have the new neural pathways and alter existing ones inopportunity to join in on one of Citygate Networks order to adapt to new experiences, learn new retreats at Amy Grants farm, and most may not information, and create new memories. Guestsbe able to have music superstars be a part of the are likely to remember lessons learned among theprocess, but every member ministry can take trees and animals, visions of a better life formedpeople into Gods creation, remove distractions, beneath starry skies, and the truths spokendesign activities to break down barriers, and have through music around a campfire.meaningful conversations. Hope in the Gate goes further in this regard,Citygate Network will soon begin work on employing powerful music thats not only unique,a toolkit that provides more detail on how to but personally connected to each participant. Onhave powerful retreats with program clients. the retreats second day, the singer-songwritersBe watching for it. \x03 40 WWW.CITYGATENETWORK.ORG NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022'