1317 Portage Road
Niagara Falls, New York 14301
Phone: (716) 205-8805
Website: http://www.niagaragospelrescuemission.com
Volunteer: volunteer@niagaramissions.com
Donate: https://tinyurl.com/mb8cxpy
Email: info@niagaramissions.com
The Niagara Gospel Rescue Mission seeks to glorify God by bringing the gospel of Jesus Christ to the poor, afflicted, and needy as we attend to their basic human needs -- demonstrating His love, mercy, and grace.
Onsite Meals for Guests, Emergency Shelter for Men
HousingTransitional Housing for Men
Residential Life-Transformation ProgramsLong-Term Drug/Alcohol Recovery for Men
Spiritual NurtureChapel Services
Oversight Children and Youth Health Services Education Career Advancement/Employment Other Programs and ServicesJail and Prison Ministry, Community/Neighborhood Outreach Program (beyond your facilities)
-The Urban Ministry Institute satellite classroom
-Volunteer and community service opportunities
-Clothes closet for men, women and children
-Mentorship and Christian counseling services
-Addiction Conquerors and Celebrate Recovery meetings